SXU does not purchase dissertations.
The best process to locate a dissertation is to:
If none of these options will provide your desired material, you can purchase a copy of many dissertations from Dissertation Abstracts.
Dissertations are distributed across various search platforms, so you may need multiple tools to perform comprehensive searches.
Open Access Theses and Dissertations -- aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 800 colleges, universities, and research institutions.
PQDT Open—a database providing access only to Open Access dissertations and theses in different disciplines.
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations—a national open-source tool (American Doctoral Dissertations via EBSCOhost).
American Doctoral Dissertations, 1902-present. - includes more than 153,000 theses and dissertations in total, and will include a link to access the full text, when available, via an Institutional Repository.
Google Scholar—include the following in your search dissertation site:edu You can limit the results by year.
OAIster database—a search tool that includes materials from various university Institutional Repositories.
FIND CITATION INFORMATION—and request a copy to be delivered.
search the WorldCat catalog and then use the Borrow From Another Library option.
search our Central Index for available copies or a borrow request:
The Alma book catalog platform includes a "Central Index" search database that covers a wide range of materials including: Book chapters, book reviews, historical newspapers, business and legal news, some reference book material (dictionary and encyclopedia entries), selected web resources (web pages, videos, and open access books and dissertations). You may find a citation record for your material, and the associated links may provide either a full text document or a link for Borrow From Other Libraries.
SXU Thesis Collection
List of SXU theses in the library (sorted by date).