This guide will provide a variety of resources and tools that cover the health sciences.
You can locate reliable facts, summaries of topics from dictionaries and encyclopedias, and background information about topics using resources such as CREDO on our Facts/Definitions page.
The latest news on health-related topics can be found using various indexes on our News Resources page.
There are news sources covering various perspectives -- legal/business, regional, and ethnic angles.
CINAHL Complete (journal articles, systematic reviews, care sheets)
Cochrane Collection Plus. Controlled trials and other healthcare interventions, which include the Central Register of Controlled Trials, Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Systematic Reviews, NHS Economic Evaluation, Health Technology Assessments, and the Methodology Register.
Clinical Trials - search the registry.
National Guideline Clearinghouse. Objective, detailed information on clinical-practice guidelines.
PubMed Clinical Queries - subset of PubMed containing results limited to specific clinical-research areas.
TRIP database - overlay of many sources containing high-quality clinical-research evidence.
RESEARCH REPORTS AND EXPERT OPINIONS (JOURNAL INDEXES ... search and connect to full text materials):
Academic Search Complete. Multidisciplinary database of full-text articles from scholarly journals, magazines, government documents and other sources. Best for basic coverage of most topics.
CINAHL Complete. Articles and evidence-based care sheets on nursing and allied-health topics.
Central Index. Broad coverage of interdisciplinary journals and other materials.
Medline with Full Text. U.S. National Library of Medicine–National Institutes of Health. Articles from more than 1,400 medical journals, with deep subject indexing. (A subset of PubMed)
PubMed. Includes more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
PubMed Central Searches across an archive of Medline materials plus additional full-text biomedical and life sciences journal articles and grants information. Provides free articles from the national repository.
PsycINFO. Articles and books in psychology and related fields. -- replaced by the Central Index database.
SCOPUS. The world's most comprehensive listing (with some full text) of articles in science, medicine, technology, and the social sciences. SCOPUS also provides citation tracking and highlights important (highly cited) papers.
Multiple Database Search Tool.This tool is useful for finding an exact known item or for searching across many journals at one time. You will retrieve MANY results, so be prepared to spend significant time reviewing and/or narrowing down your results.
NOTE: Directory of Nursing Journals -- to maintain a current directory of vetted journals to enable authors to find a suitable and reputable journal in which to publish their work.
Expert opinions can be found in books: see our local book catalog for searching. You may want to expand your search to the I-Share state-wide catalog (using the drop-down option under the search box) and/or using the in-depth searching provided on our electronic book page.
Drug Information Portal. From the U.S. National Library of Medicine, containing information on over 36,000 drugs from U.S. government sources.
Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition. Articles from medical journals, plus the Lexi-Pal Drug Guide containing 1,300 generic-drug patient-education sheets with more than 4,700 brand names.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments. Reviews of tests.
Testing and Education Reference Center (contains NCLEX practice exams).
Data on health-related topics can be found using the resources found on our Handling Information and Data page.
SimplyAnalytics (was SimplyMap) contains United States census data, business data, and business points that can be manipulated and mapped. You can rank locations based on variables, create demographic analyses, and map variables to the county or sometimes the census Block. If you sign in as a guest, you won’t need to create an account. Accounts are needed only to save search parameters and data results. (Information and help video page).
MULTIMEDIA (images, videoes, etc):
Nursing Education in Video. 260 full-length videos for the education of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. All the videos have been created with the guidance of the Medcom-Trainex advisory board, and are regularly reviewed for accuracy, currency, and compliance with US Federal regulations from agencies such as OSHA and CMS.
CAREER INFORMATION Nursing jobs, career guides, hospital reviews, and nurse stories.
AIDSinfo. Federally approved treatment guidelines for HIV infection and AIDS-related illnesses.
Drug Information Portal. Information on more than 36,000 drugs from U.S. government sources.
Environmental Health and Toxicology. Comprehensive environmental health and toxicology resources.
Household Products. Health and safety information for thousands of brands, including personal care, automotive, garden, and cleaning products.
MedlinePlus. Extensive patient information, in multiple languages.. Note that the SXU library subscribes to Medline with Full Text, which contains articles from more than 1,400 medical journals
NCBI. The National Center for Biotechnology Information provides resources on how interactions among genes, the environment, and lifestyle can lead to disease.
PubMed. Research and public-health literature from Medline and additional fulltext material including grants.
TOXMAP. Environmental-health maps of toxic chemicals in the air, water, and ground.
Tox Town. Key topics in toxicology, the environment, and occupational health.
From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the CDC Foundation, comes the 500 Cities Project, an interactive map that allows researchers to quickly access and analyze health data from the 500 largest cities in the United States.
A FEW IMPORTANT FULL TEXT JOURNALS (specific materials are best found using the journal indexes listed above):
Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition. Articles from medical journals, plus the Lexi-Pal Drug Guide containing 1,300 generic-drug patient-education sheets with more than 4,700 brand names.
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association. Articles from 1998 to the present.
Ovid LWW Nursing & Health Professions Premier. Articles from major nursing journals.
PubMed Central. Searches across an archive of Medline materials plus additional full-text biomedical and life sciences journal articles and grants information. Provides free articles from the national repository.