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On Scholarly Publishing: Measuring an Authors' Impact, and Social Networking

Are You Cited in Scopus?

Scopus records how many times an author has been cited since 1996.  If you are not cited in Scopus it may be that Scopus has not included your particular journal in its core index. 

To check if any of your articles have been cited:
 • Open the Scopus search box and choose the "Author Search" tab.
 • Type the name of the person you would like to look up. You can also type in an affiliation, e.g., University of Washington).
 • Click Search
 • On the Author results page, click on the correct author and a new page will open that shows personal, research, and history information. On the right side of the page you will see how many documents that author has in Scopus, and below that how many times their articles have been cited since 1996. You can also set Alerts for an author, so you will be notified by email whenever something new is published. For more information on author impact, see the Analytics tab.

Not Cited in Scopus? Try the Subject-Specific Databases

In the keyword search box of your subject-specific database, type in author's name.  Not all articles will include cited references, but some do.  If the citation includes cited references, it will be listed as: Cited References and Times Cited in this Database.

Tutorials on Where to Publish

ORCID Author Identification Profile

In order to disambiguate authors with similar names, or to co-locate all their materials as they transfer between organizations, authors can register for an ORCID ID that will link their materials to their unique profile. Many search tools and granting agencies use the ORCID ID for author identification.

In a similar way, Scopus Author IDs and Google Scholar author records also provide author authentication (and include data on citations, use, etc.).


Evaluating various metrics on scholarly impact

The Metrics Toolkit is a resource for researchers and evaluators that provides guidance for demonstrating and evaluating claims of research impact.  With the Toolkit you can quickly understand what a metric means, how it is calculated, and if it’s good match for your impact question.

Highly Cited Index: Measuring an Author's Impact

The H index is a measure of the number of highly impactful papers a researcher has published. The larger the number of important papers, the higher the h-index, regardless of where the work was published.

Authors' Social Networking Sites


Altmetrics is an alternative measure of impact ... based upon social networking mentions. The counters can include blog mentions, twitter feed entries, web site mentions, etc. The counts can occur much quicker than citation-based patterns. The counters are usually found as a Altmetrics link on an article abstract page.

SXU does not subscribe to an institution-level altmetrics tool such as Plum Analytics. You might find altmetric measurements for specific articles on the associated abstract page on many publisher web sites.

See an example of a Plum Metrics report on an electronic book and a Plum Metrics report on a journal article.

See the Altmetric Top 100 articles by year.

Relative Citation Ratio

The traditional peer review metric has been the Citation Impact Factor. This counts the number of times an article has been cited since publication, assuming there is a correlation between readership, citations, and impact. These values are often still based upon journal rankings rather than individual articles, and recent studies hacve shown that outliers can significantly skew such assessments. Various modifications have been made to the algorithm to make it more meaningful, including averaging the number of citations over a three year period, and normalizing these numbers fro cross-disciplinary comparison. Impact factors should be used as one factor among many to determine value and impact, and should not be the sole tool in measuring author performance.

A new Relative Citation Ratio (RCR) calculation attempts to place an individual article citation number in context with other articles in the same field. See iCite, the NIH tool for calculating RCRs. There is also an article describing the RCR approach.


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