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Diversity in Organizations (MGMT330): Searching Tips

The guide is designed to help students conduct research on "best practice organizations" for a diversity organizational analysis. Diversity in Organizations (MGMT330).

Searching Tips

Building a search strategy takes time and detective work. 

Start by selecting a database, enter the company name and then add another concept such as recruitment  minorities  women  disabled veterans ethnic

Place quotes around phrases in order to keep the terms together.  "best practices" "employee training" mentoring

Use the articles you find to trigger ideas for other terms to broaden or narrow your search. Look at the subject headings and read the abstracts and titles for related terms. For example:  "corporate culture" "work environment" teamwork.

The  *  attached to the stem of a word allows for a variety of endings.  manag*  =  manage, managers, management, managing

If your search strategy retrieves very few results, add more related terms with OR. 
"employee training" OR "staff development"

If your search strategy retrieves too many results, add more restrictors with AND.
"employee training" and sales


Boolean Operators


Partner Karyn Twaronite addresses EY's best practices for communicating an organization's diversity message through HR.

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