Searches are things that you build, and they'll look different depending upon your research needs at the moment. The strategy that was fantastic for one topic might not be so great for another. Subject headings might work well for some things and not so well for others.
Special education is a facet of education--and it can encompass a whole lot more, from health and science to psychology and the arts.
There will be times when you want to cast your net as wide as possible, and other times when you'll want to keep it narrow.
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You'll check out different databases depending upon your research needs! Some of them are specifically designed for education; others are more general, or explore different areas. It's generally worth checking out more than one database to make sure you're getting as complete a picture of the material out there as possible.
These are subject headings; many work in both our databases and our library catalog. Just copy them, paste them into the database of your choice, and get started searching!
Not quite sure how to go about it? You can search these phrases as either keywords or subjects.
You can also tweak the way you search while still using subject headings: instead of choosing "exact," for example, you can choose subject heading contains, which means that any subject heading that includes the words in your chosen subject heading will be included. This will open up your search, giving you a whole lot more results.