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Women & Gender Studies databases: Home

Women and Gender Studies search tools

This guide will provide a variety of resources to locate materials about topics in the area of Women and Gender Studies.

Selected Search Tools for Women and Gender Studies

For Facts, Definitions, Background Information

Our Facts/Definitions page searches hundreds of reliable dictionaries and encyclopedias.

For News:

On our News Resources page you can search  individual newspapers (New York Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.) or you can search across many newspapers at one time using the Newspaper Source database. These papers may contain reviews and related articles.

Expert Opinions and Research

found in Peer Reviewed Journals and other resources using our indexes:

Academic Search CompleteArticles from journals in many fields.

Central Index. Broad coverage of interdisciplinary journals and other materials. 

Academic Video Online. Online streaming video on many academic topics.

America: History and LifeNOTE: replaced by the Central Index database.

American History in Video. Newsreels, archival footage and important documentaries about gender roles and women

American Song. Songs by and about children, cowboys, immigrants, Native Americans, pioneers, slaves and others. Songs about politics and civil rights, war and peace.

Chicago Tribune. Articles from 1985 to the present. For articles from 1849 to 1984, use Chicago Tribune historical files.

Ethnic Newswatch. Articles from ethnic and alternative Journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Films on Demand. Streaming videos in all topic areas, searchable by subject, title, or special collection.

GPO. A listing (no full text) of all types of United States government documents, including congressional reports, hearings, debates, records, judiciary materials and documents issued by executive departments.

HarpWeek. Articles from the 19th-century illustrated newspaper Harper's Weekly (1857–1912).

JSTOR. Articles from scholarly journals in the arts and sciences, sometimes going back to the first issues. The Library subscribes to the Arts and Sciences I–X and Life Sciences collections.

Military & Government Collection. Articles on military-related journals and general-interest magazines.

The New York Times historical files. Articles from 1851 to 2008. For articles after 2008, use Nexis Uni (new interface to Lexis-Nexis).

Philosopher's Index. NOTE: replaced by the Central Index database.

Project Muse. Articles from journals in the arts, humanities and social sciences.

Sage Premier. Articles from journals in business, health, and social sciences.

Expert Opinions and Research can be found in BOOKS:

Expert opinions can be found in books: see our local book catalog for searching. You may want to expand your search to the I-Share state-wide catalog (using the drop-down option below the search box) or our electronic book page.

Web material:

Selective list of gender and women's studies associations, learned societies, or professional organizations.

Library collections or archives related to gender and women's studies.

Portals/Gateways to Information Resources:

Selected Resources

  • Making of America Collection of 10,182 journal issues and 2457 books published from approximately 1850-1877. Browsable list of subject terms include: women's rights, women in literature and arts, and women's suffrage.
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