This page will describe alternatives to the SocINDEX journal article index.
The library offers a number of journal search indexes covering the same subject areas that were covered in SocINDEX.
Each tool has different contents, providing differing subject coverage, and are selected based upon your specific intentions:
You can also consider supplementing these paid resources using Google Scholar which provides free searching of keywords and authors across a wide a selection of academic journals.
NOTE: This tool does not utilize subject headings; so your searching will not be as precise as searches run in the tools listed above.
NOTE: If using Google Scholar, you will need to link the results to our local journal resolver to obtain access to all the full-text articles that are available to you through our subscriptions.
Go to the Google Scholar page.
Go to Settings (the gear icon on the top right of the page).
Go to "Library links" on the left side of the page.
Type "Saint Xavier University" in the search area.
Select Saint Xavier University, Stump Library - Full-Text @ SXU Library
Click the SAVE button
You will now see Full-Text @ SXU Library to the right of citations when we provide full text access.
(You will need to validate yourself the first time using your campus ID and password.)