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Science Book Information

This guide will provide information about discovering books in the sciences.

Paper books will be found on the shelves by topic. Below are the LC classifications (call numbers) for subjects.

NOTE: Electronic books (ebooks) will only be found by searching the catalog or the Electronic books tool.

Discovering Books in Science

Finding Books by subject headings.

There are two ways to discover paper biology books.

(1) Search by keyword or Subject Heading

      In our book catalogs, keywords will be searched in titles, sometimes in table-of-contents, and in official subject headings.

      Hint: Once you find a good title, from the detailed record use the Subject Headings to find other titles in a similar area.

      Hint: Many titles are found side-by-side on the shelves by call number (see below), so browse the shelves.


(2) Browse by Library of Congress (LC) call number.

       Books are arranged on the shelves using a letter/number system, and these numbers align with official Subject Headings.

       The LC numbers and associated headings for basic chemistry, mathematics, and physics are:


Subclass QD


QD1-999                                 Chemistry

QD1-65                                        General

Including alchemy

QD71-142                                     Analytical chemistry

QD146-197                                   Inorganic chemistry

QD241-441                                   Organic chemistry

QD415-436                                         Biochemistry

QD450-801                                   Physical and theoretical chemistry

QD625-655                                         Radiation chemistry

QD701-731                                         Photochemistry

QD901-999                                   Crystallography


Subclass QA


QA1-939                                 Mathematics

QA1-43                                        General

QA47-59                                       Tables

QA71-90                                       Instruments and machines

QA75-76.95                                        Calculating machines

QA75.5-76.95                                     Electronic computers.  Computer science

QA76.75-76.765                                        Computer software

QA101-(145)                                 Elementary mathematics.  Arithmetic

QA150-272.5                                Algebra

QA273-280                                   Probabilities.  Mathematical statistics

QA299.6-433                                Analysis

QA440-699                                   Geometry.  Trigonometry.  Topology

QA801-939                                   Analytic mechanics


Subclass QC


QC1-999                                 Physics

QC1-75                                        General

QC81-114                                     Weights and measures

QC120-168.85                               Descriptive and experimental mechanics

QC170-197                                   Atomic physics.  Constitution and properties of matter


Including molecular physics, relativity, quantum theory, and

solid state physics

QC221-246                                   Acoustics.  Sound

QC251-338.5                                Heat

QC310.15-319                                     Thermodynamics

QC350-467                                   Optics.  Light

QC450-467                                         Spectroscopy

QC474-496.9                                Radiation physics (General)

QC501-766                                   Electricity and magnetism

QC501-(721)                                       Electricity

QC669-675.8                                            Electromagnetic theory

QC676-678.6                                            Radio waves (Theory)

QC701-715.4                                            Electric discharge

QC717.6-718.8                                         Plasma physics.  Ionized gases

QC750-766                                         Magnetism

QC770-798                                   Nuclear and particle physics.  Atomic energy.  Radioactivity

QC793-793.5                                      Elementary particle physics

QC794.95-798                                     Radioactivity and radioactive substances

QC801-809                                   Geophysics.  Cosmic physics

QC811-849                                   Geomagnetism

QC851-999                                   Meteorology.  Climatology

Including the earth's atmosphere

QC974.5-976                                      Meteorological optics

QC980-999                                         Climatology and weather

QC994.95-999                                           Weather forecasting


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