Facts, Definitions, Background Information:
Our Facts/Definitions page searches hundreds of reliable dictionaries and encyclopedias.
Also consider:
On our News Resources page you can search individual newspapers (New York Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.) or you can search across many newspapers at one time using the Newspaper Source database. These papers may contain reviews and related articles.
Catholic News Archive (CNA) and the Catholic Newspapers Online link to more than two hundred newspapers, and provides easy access to current issues of many diocesan, national, and student newspapers.
Expert Opinions and Research (Peer Reviewed Journals):
- Academic Search Complete. Multidisciplinary database of full-text articles from scholarly journals, magazines, government documents and other sources. Good starting place for basic coverage.
- Central Index. Broad coverage of interdisciplinary journals and other materials.
- ATLA Religion DatabaseNOTE: replaced by the Central Index database.
- JSTOR. Articles from scholarly journals in the arts and sciences.
- MLA NOTE: replaced by the Central Index database.
- News Sources: world and historical newspapers; New York Times since 1851.
- Philosopher's Index NOTE: replaced by the Central Index database.
- Project Muse. Articles from scholarly journals in the arts, humanities and social sciences.
- Scopus. Discover citations with some full-text articles in science, medicine, technology, and the social sciences. Includes tracking by citation, and identifying high impact articles.
- Multiple Database Search Tool: Go here if you know the exact title of an article, i.e., "contingent cubism". This full-text finder tool will provide direction to the source of the article.
- Zotero. Cite your sources using Zotero.
Subject Summaries (Books and our DVD collection):
Expert opinions can be found in books: see our local book catalog for searching. You may want to expand your search to the I-Share state-wide catalog (using the drop-down option below the search box) or our electronic book page.
This catalog includes many formats, including movies, manuscripts, and e-Books.
Streaming Films and Videos:
- Academic Video Online. More than 48,000 video titles on essential subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, history, music, film, and more.
- Films on Demand. Streaming video database that offers over 20,000 titles, and covers a variety of academic subjects, from producers such as BBC, PBS, Meridian, National Geographic, and more. Links can be shared through email, integrated into Canvas, or viewed in the classroom.