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Library of Congress (LC) Call Numbers for Spanish: Call Numbers

Finding Paper Books on Spanish Literature

Looking for paper books? In addition to searching the library's book catalog, you can browse the shelves. All our books are shelved according to the Library of Congress (LC) classification, a letter-and-number system. Books on Spanish literature, for example, have call numbers beginning with the letters PQ—letters that are followed by numbers ranging from 6001 to 8929. This page tells you where within that range you can find books on particular subjects.

LC Call Numbers for Spanish

PQ6002.2-6005             Collections
PQ6006                           Encyclopedias and dictionaries
PQ6007                           Theory of the study of Spanish literature (Philosophy. Psychology. Esthetics)
PQ6013-6020                Study and teaching
PQ6021-6030                Criticism
PQ6031-6168                History of Spanish literature
PQ6170-6269         Collections of Spanish literature
PQ6171                           General
PQ6172                           Selections. Anthologies, etc.
PQ6173                           Selections from women authors
PQ6173.5.A-Z                 Special Classes of authors
PQ6174                           Special Periods
PQ6174.A3                              Early to 1500
PQ6174.A5                              Classic age, 1500-1800
PQ6174.A7-Z                           Modern
PQ6174.95-6215            Poetry
PQ6217-6239                  Drama  
PQ6247-6269                  Prose               
PQ6265-6269                  Translations
PQ6271-6726          Individual Authors
PQ6271-6498                   Individual authors and works to 1700
PQ6500-6576.Z6             Individual authors, 1700–ca. 1868
PQ6600-6647                   Individual authors, 1868–1960
PQ6650-6676                   Individual authors, 1961–2000
PQ6700-6726                   Individual authors, 2001–
PQ7000-8929          Provincial, local, colonial, etc.
PQ7000-7011                     Spain
PQ7020-8929                     Spanish literature outside Spain
PQ7020                                        General
PQ7030-8929                              Special
PQ7030-7061                                        Europe
PQ7070-8560                                         America
PQ7070-7079.3                                                United States and Canada
PQ7081-8550.36                                              Spanish America
PQ7081-7087                                                          General
PQ7100-7298.436                                                   Mexico
PQ7100-7223                                                                      History and criticism
PQ7230-7289                                                                      Collections
PQ7291-7293                                                                      Local
PQ7296-7298.436                                                              Individual authors or groups
PQ7361-7451                                                           West Indies
PQ7361                                                                                 General
PQ7370-7451                                                                       Special  
PQ7370-7392                                                                               Cuba
PQ7400-7409.3                                                                            Dominican Republic
PQ7420-7442                                                                               Puerto Rico 
PQ7471-7539.2                                                         Central America                                                                                                            
PQ7471-7477                                                                               General
PQ7471-7472                                                                                        History and criticism
PQ7472.5-7475                                                                                     Collections
PQ7480-7539.2                                                                             Special  
PQ7480-7489.3                                                                                     Costa Rica                                                                                                                                                
PQ7490-7499.3                                                                                     Guatemala
PQ7500-7509.3                                                                                      Honduras
PQ7510-7519.3                                                                                      Nicaragua
PQ7520-7529.3                                                                                      Panama
PQ7530-7539.3                                                                                      Salvador
PQ7551-8550.436                                                    South America
PQ7551-7557                                                                                 General
PQ7551-7552                                                                                         History and criticism
PQ7552.5-7555                                                                                      Collections
PQ7600-8550.36                                                                             Special
PQ7600-7798.436                                                                                  Argentina
PQ7800-7822                                                                                          Bolivia
PQ7900-8098.436                                                                                  Chile
PQ8160-8180.436                                                                                  Colombia
PQ8200-8220.436                                                                                  Ecuador
PQ8250-8259.3                                                                                       Paraguay
PQ8300-8498.436                                                                                   Peru
PQ8510-8520.436                                                                                   Uruguay
PQ8530-8550.436                                                                                   Venezuela                                                                               
PQ8600-8619                                         Africa
PQ8651-8919                                         Asia
PQ8920-8929                                         Australia and Pacific Islands
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