These readings were chosen to give students an appreciation of their identity in the Sisters of Mercy, and the Mercy Tradition at Saint Xavier University. The first essay, Catherine--A Reflection on Values from the Mercy Tradition, introduces the Sisters of Mercy, their founder, Catherine McAuley, and the concept of " the enduring hospitality." The second, Did the Sisters of Mercy Contribute to the Development of Professional Social Work? tells of their early works of charity, and improving the lives of others through social work, health care and education, well before the profession of social work "officially" began. The third, Reading the Writings on the Wall offers the characteristics that distinguish Saint Xavier University in its mission, motto, architecture, and symbolism. It also promotes the importance of a liberal arts education in developing a creative and adaptable intellect capable of meeting the demands of an ever changing world—an individual "with critical thinking and communication skills, as well as an understanding of diversity and other cultures."
Connolly, Mary Beth Fraser. Women of Faith (Book in Library Collection): BX4482 .C66 2014