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Academic Video Online. Online streaming video on many academic topics.
Films o Demand.
Greenfile. Articles on global warming, pollution, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, sustainable buildings, and more.
JSTOR. Articles from scholarly journals in the arts and sciences, sometimes going back to the first issues. The Library subscribes to the Arts and Sciences I–X and Life Sciences collections.
ScienceDirect. Articles from over 2,000 peer-reviewed journals in the sciences, including environmental sciences.
Scopus. The world's most comprehensive listing (with some full text) of articles in science, medicine, technology and the social sciences.
Comprehensive Searching of Journals, Conference Materials, Etc:
Subject-Specific Portals (for various non-published information ... teaching tools, equipment, software, etc.):
BEN portal -- BioSciEdNet ... teaching resources, Meetings information, and other community tools
Eos is the leading source for trustworthy news and perspectives about the Earth and space sciences and their impact. Its namesake is Eos, the Greek goddess of the dawn, who represents the light shed on understanding our planet and its environment in space by the Earth and space sciences. (From the website.)
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