To get you started...
Once you find articles, use the subject terms and words from the abstracts to revise your search.
mentally ill
mental illness
mental depression
suicidal behavior
prison psychology
psychiatric diagnosis
treatment programs
detention centers
correctional institutions
women prisoners
juvenile delinquents
life sentences
alternatives to imprisonment
Following are the best tools to find articles in criminal justice:
Academic Search Complete . Full-text articles from a set of 800 core journals
NCJRS Abstracts Database . A federal-government database. Contains summaries of the more than 220,000 criminal justice, juvenile justice, and substance abuse resources housed in the NCJRS Library collection. Provides more complete coverage of the subject than the database above, but you may have to request some articles from other libraries, so expect a delay of up to three days for the arrival of articles we do not own.
Scopus. Coverage includes articles from related fields. Provides data on how many times an article has been cited by other researchers.
If the databases do not supply the full text of the article, you can request it from another library. Read the abstract, or summary, of the article, and if the article might be helpful, be sure to request it.