Our Facts/Definitions page searches hundreds of reliable dictionaries and encyclopedias.
On our News Resources page you can search individual newspapers (New York Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.) or you can search across many newspapers at one time using the Newspaper Source database. These papers may contain reviews and related articles.
Expert opinions can be found in books: see our local book catalog for searching. You may want to expand your search to the I-Share state-wide catalog (using the drop-down option below the search box) or our electronic book page.
HathiTrust maintains HathiTrust Digital Library. Since 13 October 2008, it preserves and provides access to material scanned by Google, some of the Internet Archive books, and some scanned locally by partner institutions. As of May 2010, it includes about 6 million volumes, over 1 million of which are public domain (at least in the US).
One additional free search tool to consider is Summon (from Princeton). You will see information within books and other materials...but you will not have links to the full text materials.
Finally, you can also perform fulltext searching into thousands of recently published books using the Title Preview option on the ebrary platform.
Here we list some additional web-based resources of interest:
Oregon State University's Mary McDonald Rare Book and Manuscript Collection contains items created from the year 3000 BCE through the twentieth century. Collectively, these materials illustrate the global history of writing and print.
Medieval English and French Manuscripts, a joint effort of the British Library and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, presents digitized open-access medieval manuscripts and is available anywhere you have internet.
The Comic Book Sound Effect Database is a collection of over 2,000 onomatopoeias from over 200 comic books.
Arts and Culture service, Google collaborated with over 1,200 museums, galleries, and institutions from around the world to digitize some of their exhibits and make them available online. Exhibits can be browsed by a number of facets, including time period, artist, and color.
Life Magazine archives hosted by Arts and Culture.
Arts and Culture from Google
Google Image Search (keywords) -- search for images using keywords.
Google Image Search (image) -- drag and drop an image to start a search
Artstor now offers over 1 million public domain images.