This is where we record problem assignment tips and tricks.
- Example1: Instructor requires five edited books on a subject for creating particular APA style citations.
- Tip1: Search for subject terms and add "editor" as keyword.
- Printing from Haaretz website: Either select text to be printed and choose "print selection" from print menu or copy & paste article into a Word document.
- Howard Thurman's "What Can We Believe In?" is available on JSTOR. Academic Search Complete should offer a link to JSTOR if the student searches there first.
- Printing historical newspaper articles requires steps:
- Download the article as a pdf
- If too large to print in one page, then create screenshots and print each screenshot.
- printing a PDF in CANVAS
- hover over file name (just above the document window), right click to use Save Target to the desktop, Open the folder view (bottom bar icon that looks like a folder with a blue holder), go to the Desktop, click on the file to open. This will open in the PDF viewer, and you can then use the print option.