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This guide will provide information about discovering books in the area of psychology.

NOTE: Electronic books (ebooks) will only be found by searching the catalog or the Electronic books tool.

Discovering Books in Psychology by subject classification

Finding Books by subject headings.

There are two ways to discover paper books.

(1) Search by keyword or Subject Heading

      In our book catalogs, keywords will be searched in titles, sometimes in table-of-contents, and in official subject headings.

      Hint: Once you find a good title, from the detailed record use the Subject Headings to find other titles in a similar area.

      Hint: Many titles are found side-by-side on the shelves by call number (see below), so browse the shelves.


(2) Browse by Library of Congress (LC) call number.

       Books are arranged on the shelves using a letter/number system, and these numbers align with official Subject Headings.

       The LC numbers and associated headings for psychology are:

Psychology Books classification

Subclass BF
BF1-990  Psychology
BF38-64  Philosophy. Relation to other topics
BF173-175.5  Psychoanalysis
BF176-176.5  Psychological tests and testing
BF180-198.7  Experimental psychology
BF203  Gestalt psychology
BF207-209  Psychotropic drugs and other substances
BF231-299  Sensation. Aesthesiology
BF309-499  Consciousness. Cognition Including learning, attention, comprehension, memory, imagination, genius, intelligence, thought and thinking, psycholinguistics, mental fatigue
BF501-505  Motivation
BF511-593  Affection. Feeling. Emotion
BF608-635  Will. Volition. Choice. Control
BF636-637  Applied psychology
BF638-648 New Thought. Menticulture, etc.
BF660-685  Comparative psychology. Animal and human psychology
BF692-692.5  Psychology of sex. Sexual behavior
BF697-697.5  Differential psychology. Individuality. Self
BF698-698.9  Personality
BF699-711  Genetic psychology
BF712-724.85  Developmental psychology Including infant psychology, child psychology, adolescence, adulthood
BF725-727  Class psychology
BF795-839  Temperament. Character
BF839.8-885  Physiognomy. Phrenology
BF889-905  Graphology. Study of handwriting
BF908-940  The hand. Palmistry
BF1001-1389  Parapsychology
BF1001-1045  Psychic research. Psychology of the conscious
BF1048-1108  Hallucinations. Sleep. Dreaming. Visions
BF1111-1156  Hypnotism. Suggestion. Mesmerism. Subliminal projection
BF1161-1171  Telepathy. Mind reading. Thought transference
BF1228-1389  Spiritualism Including mediumship, spirit messages, clairvoyance
BF1404-2055  Occult sciences
BF1444-1486  Ghosts. Apparitions. Hauntings
BF1501-1562  Demonology. Satanism. Possession
BF1562.5-1584  Witchcraft
BF1585-1623  Magic. Hermetics. Necromancy
BF1651-1729  Astrology
BF1745-1779  Oracles. Sibyls. Divinations
BF1783-1815  Seers. Prophets. Prophecies
BF1845-1891  Fortune-telling
BF2050-2055  Human-alien encounters. Contact between humans and extraterrestrials
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