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Philosophy Research Tools: Home

Facts and News

For Facts, Definitions, Background Information:

Our Facts/Definitions page searches hundreds of reliable dictionaries and encyclopedias.

For News:

On our News Resources page you can search  individual newspapers (New York Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.) or you can search across many newspapers at one time using the Newspaper Sourcedatabase. These papers may contain reviews and related articles.

Research Reports and Expert Opinions

Peer Reviewed Journals (Expert Opinions and Research):

  • Academic Search CompleteMultidisciplinary database of full-text articles from scholarly journals, magazines, government documents and other sources. Good starting place for basic coverage.
  • Central Index. Broad coverage of interdisciplinary journals and other materials. 
  • ATLA Religion Database NOTE: replaced by the Central Index database.
  • MLA NOTE: replaced by the Central Index database.
  • Philosopher's Index NOTE: replaced by the Central Index database.
  • Scopus. Discover citations with some full-text articles in science, medicine, technology, and the social sciences. Includes tracking by citation, and identifying high impact articles.


  • Multiple Database Search Tool: Go here if you know the exact title of an article, i.e., "contingent cubism".  This full-text finder tool will provide direction to the source of the article. 
  • Zotero. Cite your sources using Zotero.

Search Hardcopy Books and Videos


Expert opinions can be found in books: see our local book catalog for searching. You may want to expand your search to the I-Share state-wide catalog (using the drop-down option below the search box). This catalog includes many formats, including movies, manuscripts, and e-Books.

Additional materials may be found through deeper searching within ebooks using our electronic book page.

Streaming Films and Videos

Streaming Films and Videos:

  • Academic Video Online. More than 48,000 video titles on essential subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, history, music, film, and more.
  • Films on Demand. Streaming video database that offers over 20,000 titles, and covers a variety of academic subjects, from producers such as BBC, PBS, Meridian, National Geographic, and more. Links can be shared through email, integrated into Canvas, or viewed in the classroom.

Other Philosophy web resources

Here we list some additional web-based resources of interest:

  • EpistemelLinks: Links to more than 19,000 Internet resources categorized by persons, topics, and special features.
  • Erratic Impact: Searchable and browseable “philosophy research base” links to thousands of websites categorized by history, subject, and philosopher in ancient, medieval and modern philosophy.
  • History of Philosophy without Any Gaps: a weekly podcast by Peter Adamson, a philosophy scholar who teaches at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and King's College London,over 300 episodes that chronicles the history of philosophy from pre-Socratic thinkers through the fourteenth century (so far!).
  • History of Western Philosophy a narrative survey of the historical development of Western philosophy.
  • Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Contains original, scholarly contributions, adaptations from public domain sources, and articles on all aspects of philosophy.
  • Perseus Project: Searchable versions of all major classical texts in translation and in the original languages.
  • Philosophy for Beginners is a series of video recorded essays by Dr. Marianne Talbot, Director of Studies in Philosophy at the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Oxford. This seven-part series provides an overview of the diverse field of philosophy as well as its history.
  • Philosophy Pages: Dictionary of philosophy terms and names has timelines, discussions, guides, as well as a collection of briefly annotated links to additional resources.
  • Philosophy on the Eserver: This collection contains canonical philosophic texts and links to scholarly philosophic organizations. 
  • PhilPapers: A comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers.
  • Project Gutenberg: Over 50,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:  Published by the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University, this site is continually updated with "what's new" topics in philosophy.
  • Super-Enlightenment - a digital archive that will allow students and scholars to explore the strange, yet uncannily familiar, writings of French authors who went beyond John Locke's famed "limits of human understanding," in order to investigate the mysterious perimeters of knowledge.
  • Hastings Center Bioethics blog


Related material may be found on our list of religious web sites.

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